Sunday, April 12, 2020

I am so thankful to be at home and doing my share of saving the world from coronavirus. Taking advantage of my alone-time, here are simple "egg painting" without real eggs (because fresh eggs are precious than ever!). I've seen some artists sharing their Easter Egg Coronavirus Quarantine Project, so I decided to make them too. 

For art supplies, I'm limited to watercolor paper, Mircon waterproof pens, Staedler watercolor pencils, Zig watercolor brush pens, and basic ones like glue, and scissors. I look for inspiration designs from everywhere and try to work on my personal style. First, draw lines using waterproof Micron pens, then start coloring! 

So, here are the Easter eggs!

shared to Instagram account: @sundayafternoonmail
Wrote "greetings from the Philippines", this will make a cute postcard. 

Collage Egg
 I like collage but I don't like the general cleaning after playing with paper and glue, LOL!
Easter egg projects  

 Garden themed collage and illustrations 

                               Some of my favorite cute animals: bunny eating ramen and a chick 

I can't wait until the post office opens again so I can mail these to my penpals. For now, let's be patient in our homes, wash our hands, and apply social distancing. Try drawing and painting for self-distraction while listening to good music. Happy Easter everyone, praying for healing!  


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