Monday, April 13, 2020

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in January 2020 and its declaration as a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March of the same year, it has dramatically affected all of our lives, the lives of our loved ones and people all over the world. COVID-19 is the disease caused by a virus called SARS-COV-2, a "sister" of the first SARS virus but more potent and deadly. The virus is known to be transmitted through fomites or objects touched by an infected person and by droplets of secretions, saliva, and nasal discharge when an infected person coughs, sneezes, exhales, talks, or laughs. An infected person may not know that the virus is already inside the body and may not show symptoms outright, and become "asymptomatic carriers" who can infect others while they are up and about. This is called the viral incubation phase, which may last from 2 to 14 days. From then, symptoms may start to appear as fever, cough, and shortness of breath and may progress as chest tightness, confusion, weakness, loss of appetite, and bluish discoloration of the lips. Some report a peculiar loss of sense of taste and smell. Though many recover from COVID-19 and children appear to be the least affected, the old ones and those with co-existing health problems suffer from the disease. Currently, there is no cure nor a vaccine for COVID-19. Medical treatment is more on providing support and drug trials. 
I’m praying for us as an online community to lift each other up, and direct our circumstances with mindfulness, empathy, and kindness. Self-quarantine and staying inside are so important to prevent the spread of this virus. Proper and constant hygiene has never been more emphasized for protecting others and ourselves. We have to focus on our inner strength to go through what is mandated by our government to stop the spread. 
Yes, it’s hard to stay productive, but we can find achievements through small acts of kindness and helping those in need. A few I'd like to mention like: donation of DIY (or otherwise) personal protective equipment to frontliners, donation to food banks, running grocery errands for those who can't go out, and donating personal care kits to shelters and vulnerable communities. I know many people are willing and would be more happy to help in times like this. 
I do hope everyone is doing a great job at hand washing and staying home! Together, we can beat COVID-19. I’m sending so much love and support to all of you. Together, #WehealAsOne .



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