Thursday, August 6, 2020

Greetings to the Twilight Saga Fandom! I am super stoked about the release of the fifth book of the Twilight Saga, "Midnight Sun", written by the best selling author none other than Stephenie Meyer.  Midnight Sun was written in the vampire's point of view, who else but Edward Cullen. I'm sure fans will be thrilled about Edwar's perspective.

The Twilight Saga, which follows teenage Bella Swan’s romance with Edward Cullen, a century-old vampire, turned into a multimillion-dollar brand following the first book’s release in 2005, producing five movies and millions of devotees around the world, many of whom have been clamoring for “Midnight Sun.” 

So, thank you Stephenie Meyer for blessing us with "Midnight Sun" after all these years of waiting!

And to celebrate and honor the release of the new book of the  Twilight Saga series, "Midnight Sun"  I'm offering a GIVEWAY!!  The doll world is also raving about the new book, and I thought I should make doll-sized books! 

Please follow my INSTAGRAM  page 

Note: DOLLSHENANIGANS was formerly vie_vie_doll 

As you can see, the book looks nice on dolls' hands and it's just the perfect size. 

Disclaimer: All images were taken on the internet and copyright goes to the owner. I do not own the images, I only edited digitally. This is for fun and I'm not seling it. 

Angel Policy: If you happen to like the file, please do not sell it. Do not repost files in your website without my permission and claim it as your files. 

You can download the link here: vieviedoll MIDNIGHT SUN DIY DOLLHOUSE

If you have any problems with downloading, DM me in my Instagram DOLLSHENANIGANS

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